Bentrup TC 2010 Bedienungsanleitung
Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für TC 2010:
Programme Controllers
T T C C 2 2 0 0 x x x x Series
TC 2010
TC 2044
TC 2066
Operating Instructions
TC 2088

Inhaltszusammenfassung für Bentrup TC 2010

  • Seite 1 Programme Controllers T T C C 2 2 0 0 x x x x Series TC 2010 TC 2044 TC 2066 Bedienungsanleitung Operating Instructions TC 2088...
  • Seite 2: Inhaltsverzeichnis

    General Information (all Models) ....16 Technischer Teil (nur in Englisch) Technical Section Mechanical Installation ......19 Mechanical Installation ......19 Electrical Installation........20 Electrical Installation........20 Additional Process Values......22 Additional Process Values......22 Event Logs..........23 Event Logs..........23 Configuration ..........24 Configuration ..........24 operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 3: Tc2010

    TC2010 auf einen der folgenden Betriebsmodi ein- Depending on the demands of the application your carefully before using your controller gestellt (Festlegung in der Konfiguration): system builder has set your TC2010 to one of the following operating modes (see configuration): operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 4 Die bei Übertemperatur erreichte Höchsttempera- The maximum temperature found during this sce- tur wird beim Drücken der Taste X auf der Pro- nario is shown on the process display (2) when zesswertanzeige (2) dargestellt. pressing key X. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 5: Tc2088

    Messwertumformer für Zirkonoxyd-Sonden darge- CO (%) on display (2); CO value is sent as 4-20mA stellt (Anzeige (1) Isttemperatur, Anzeige (2) CO in analogue signal (fig B). % und Ausgabe als 4-20mA Signal (Bild B). operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 6 Solid-State-Relays) the output value bei Solid-State-Relais-Ansteuerung), wird der Aus- is shown also as indicating bar; otherwise as ordi- gangswert ebenso als Balken dargestellt, andern- nary block indicator below DO2/DO3. falls als roter Leuchtblock unterhalb DO2/DO3. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 7: Temperaturkurve Einstellen Und Starten

    The dis- der Anzeige erscheint der aktuell eingestellte Tem- play now reads the current setting in °C per hour peraturanstieg in °C pro Stunde (Bild B). (fig. B). operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 8 150°C erreicht sind. Die eingestellte by the indicators do0 resp.do1. The process is com- Brennkurve bleibt auch nach dem Ausschalten des pleted when the temperature has dropped below Reglers erhalten. 150°C. Caution: do not open the kiln while hot! operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 9 Ausschalten des Reglers erhalten. The programme table (fig B) shows the ex factory Nebenstehende Tabelle zeigt die werksseitige Be- settings of the programmes no. 1 to 6 (fig B). legung dieser Programme Nr. 1 bis 6 (Bild B). operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 10 Während des Programmlaufs können die Werte but not adjusted. The current state of the control eingesehen, aber nicht geändert werden. Bei akti- outputs do0 resp. do1 is shown by the indicators. vem Schaltausgang leuchtet der Punkt do0 bzw. do1. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 11: Arrow Keys

    Ausschalten erhalten. Beachten Sie apted the temperature profiles to your applicati- daher, dass die in dieser Anleitung abgebildete ons. Programmtabelle nicht mehr aktuell ist, wenn Sie die Werte auf Ihre Bedürfnisse angepaßt haben. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 12: Vorlaufzeit

    The process is completed when the device tempe- laufenes Segment geändert wurde (das Pro gramm rature has dropped below 150°C. Caution - do not wird dann ab diesem Segment ausgeführt). open the kiln while hot operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 13 Anzeige a few seconds the current kiln temperature is erscheint, unten wird die Maximaltemperatur shown. Now press the programme key several des gewählten Programmes gezeigt (Bild B). times until the display shows (fig. B). operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 14 Segment geben Sie als Zeit “End” ein (Taste 7th segment enter “End” as segment time (press lange drücken) und zeigen damit der TC2088 and hold key ). This indicates to the controller das Ende des Temperaturprofils an. the end of the programme. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 15 Stelle fortgesetzt, außer wenn ein bereits durch- dified which has already been processed (this cau- laufenes Segment verändert wurde (das Pro gramm ses the process to start at this segment). wird dann ab diesem Segment ausgeführt). operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 16 (fig. B). 3 Sekunden ge drückt wird, hold erlischt (Bild B). To skip immediately to the next segment Um sofort ins nächste Segment zu springen, press for 3 seconds. drücken Sie die Tasten 3 Sek. lang. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 17: General Information (All Models)

    Cold-Junction-Compensation (CJC) of the lead broken (“invalid”) Brand wurde wegen eines Problems bei der Temperatur - Firing terminated due to temperature acquisition problem messung (s.o.) abgebrochen (Überlauf im Regelkanal) (as described above, “control loop overrun”) operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 18 C3-COM) Internes Reglerproblem, technischer Service beim Her- Internal controller problem, manufacturer service required steller erforderlich (D1-CPU, D2-RAM, D3-I2C Bus, D4- (D1-CPU, D2-RAM, D3-I2C bus, D4-EEPROM, D5-cali- EEPROM, D5-Kalibrierung, D6-NVM, DA-Master Konfig.) bration, D6-NVM, DA-master configuration) operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 19: Mechanical Installation

    T T e e c c h h n n i i c c a a l l S S e e c c t t i i o o n n (english only) Mechanical & Electrical Installation Add’l Process Values & Logs Configuration Programme Controllers T T C C 2 2 0 0 x x x x operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 20: Mechanical Installation

    The use of noise suppressing devices is always recommended. Note that even if such noise does not affect controller operation it will cause induction to all signal lines. TC20xx con- trollers are fitted with intelligent filters, however, compensation is limited by physical laws. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 21: Electrical Installation

    (12 to 24V) and 2 analog outputs (set by configuration to 0-5V/0-10V/0-20mA/4- 20mA, burdon 500R). Communication Board RS232 RS485 The COM board provides either RS232/RS422/RS485 communication or an USB interface. It is installed in Slot B or C. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 22 TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 23: Additional Process Values

    Fig B. shows the current mV input signal of AI2 (4.209 mV). The first digit on the lower dis- play reads the input number (example AI 2) After 15 seconds the display reverts back to normal reading. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 24 The log entry with the highest number is the oldest one. For security reasons log entries can not be deleted. Press both arrow keys again to return to normal display or wait 15 seconds. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 25: Configuration

    AI0 and AI1 (t=thermocouple, U=0-10V, I=0/4-20mA, r=Pt100; ex factory set by hardware jumpers). Finally the serial number is shown (only if set, example S/N 122450, fig C). Thereafter controller enters normal operation. operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 26: Start/Stop

    After pressing again you are back in parameter navigation. For most easy configuration we recommend using free of charge Windows Utility ‘WinConfig’ available on to configure the TC20xx. Changing Configuration Mode complex configuration display Unlock the controller as described on page 24. While in configuration mode press and hold...
  • Seite 27 S 03: prop. band % (value range 0.0 to 999.9) in the communication software (e.g. bentrup WinControl). Each ID must be unique on the network. MAS sets the controller as a Master in Master/Slave Control parameter "proportional band" in % of maximum value, default value environments (disables communication with host systems like WinControl).
  • Seite 28 > value / 8=ON if temperature < value S 26: AO1 operation mode (value range OFF, 0 to 8) S 16: DO2 value (value range 10000 to 10000) options refer to S 20 optional value for operation mode DO2 operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 29 04: fctn.on pow.up (TC2044/2066/2088) (value range 0 to 3) Specifies the unit of the process value Function after power up: 0=IDLE, 1/2=restarting the program if conditions were met (<1=time limit in seconds/2=.. minutes). 3=automatic program start operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 30 10V, 0 20mA, 4 20mA, 500R2, 500R3) Type of input signal. Set this parameter to fit the signal of the device connected to the physical input. Note: Adapt the jumper settings of the physical input operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 31 "outp. param." "0 to +100%" and the cooling output (eg. for controlling a fan) is set to "0 to 100%". Both outputs assigned to the same control loop. The available settings are operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 32 (value range LP00 to LP01) following parameters apply on selection PRZ only: 02: loop source (value range LP00 to LP01) Selects the control loop used to drive the output Selects the control loop used to drive the output operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 33 3 is "limit 1 limit 2" more than limit const. Add 4 to disable signal during SKIP. The during programme run / 1 = OFF / 2 = ON digital output is ON when the equation is true. Example: To activate the output operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 34 Select the kind of value in each column of the programme table: TIME: Very first column of the programme table to hold the segment time VAL L: Programme value in the range of 10000 to 10000. Typically used for any operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 35 Upper limit of the programme table value. Used to limit the programm values within the operation range of the kiln KEEP: Segment time is kept, setpoint begins as programmed UPDAT: Segment time is reduced accordingly. Example: Segment 0 at 0°C, segment operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 36 For instance in a cooling SKIP, the thermocouple of zone 2 has a little deviation and therefore zone 2 is heated 4°C higher; if the heating affects zone 1 this zone will never cool down as neccessary. The time begins to count if the operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 37 The 04: error setpoint (value range 99 to 1999) master control loop is configured as normal, ie. using the programme temperature as setpoint and the target temperature as actual temperature. The output of this operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 38 (e.g. discontinuous burners) P DIR: Direct control. The setpoint is directly converted into a control value refering to the given value boundaries. Typical application is setting a flap position directly (e.g. 0 to 100%) operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 39 22: hyster. units (value range 0.0 to 99.9) Hysteresis of the control loop. The hysteresis is specified as absolute value. A small value results in higher accuracy but causes higher switching rates. A large value operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 40 Enter the total power of the kiln. The calculation assumes all zones having the same amount of power following parameters apply on selection LOOP only: 41: Loop info (value range LP00 to LP01) Selects the loop to be shown operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
  • Seite 41 EU Directives before use. Any unauthorized changes to the product will result in this declaration becoming void. Reinhard Bentrup, MD Note: We reserve the right to make any Fernwald, 8. April 2008 technical changes without prior notice operating instructions bentrup TC20xx V1.9...
