When To Change The Dust Compartment Filter (For Motor Protection); How To Change The Dust Compartment Filter; When To Replace The Airclean Exhaust Filter; How To Replace The Airclean Filter - Miele HS12 Gebrauchsanweisung

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When to change the dust
compartment filter (for motor
Replace this filter every time you start a
new packet of dustbags. A dust
compartment filter is supplied with
every packet of Miele dustbags.
How to change the dust
compartment filter (dia. 22)
^ Open the dust compartment lid.
^ Unclip the filter frame and replace
the dust compartment filter.
^ Close the filter frame.
^ Close the dust compartment lid.
When to replace the AirClean
exhaust filter
Replace this filter every time you start a
new packet of Miele dustbags. An
AirClean exhaust filter is supplied with
every packet of Miele dustbags.

How to replace the AirClean filter

(dia. 23)
Do not use more than one exhaust
filter at a time.
^ Open the dust compartment lid.
a Release the filter grille and raise it
upwards. Grasp the used AirClean
filter by the clean, unsoiled section
(see arrow) and take it out.
b Replace it with a new filter.
^ Close the filter grille.
^ Close the dust compartment lid.
Replacing one type of exhaust filter
with another
Depending on model, your vacuum
cleaner may also be supplied with an
Active AirClean 30 or HEPA AirClean 30
filter which can be fitted instead of the
standard AirClean filter.
In order to use either of these filters you
first have to remove the AirClean filter
and the filter grille and replace these
with the new filter. You will also need to
active the exhaust filter change
indicator ~ (dia. 24).
After approx. 10 - 15 seconds a thin red
stripe will appear in the left hand side of
the display (dia. 25).
When to replace an Active AirClean
30 / HEPA AirClean 30 filter (dia. 26)
Replace if the display for the exhaust
filter change indicator is completely
filled with red.
This occurs after approx. 50 hours of
operation which is equivalent to about a
year of average use. The vacuum
cleaner can still be used. However, the
suction power will be reduced as will
the effectiveness of the filter if it is not
replaced in good time.
How to replace an Active AirClean 30
filter or a HEPA AirClean 30 filter
(dia. 27)
a Lift out the old exhaust filter.
b Replace it with a new filter.
