Velleman components MONSCA1 Handbuch

Velleman components MONSCA1 Handbuch

2-kanal 14" farbmonitor mit audio
Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen


1. Introduction & Features
To all residents of the European Union
Important environmental information about this product
This symbol on the device or the package indicates that disposal of the device after its lifecycle could harm the environment.
Do not dispose of the unit (or batteries) as unsorted municipal waste; it should be taken to a specialised company for recycling.
This device should be returned to your distributor or to a local recycling service.
Respect the local environmental rules.
If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities.
Thank you for buying the MONSCA1! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service.
If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
2. Safety Instructions
• Damage caused by disregard of certain guidelines in this manual is not covered by the warranty and the dealer will
not accept responsibility for any ensuing defects or problems.
• All modifications of the device are forbidden for safety reasons. Damage caused by such modifications is not
covered by the warranty.
• This device must be earthed.
• Make sure that the available voltage does not exceed the voltage stated in the specifications of this manual.
• Do not crimp the power cord and protect it against damage. Have an authorised dealer replace it if necessary.
• Disconnect the device from the mains to clean it or when it is not in use. Handle the power cord by the plug only.
• Keep the device away from children and unauthorised users.
• Do not shake the device. Avoid brute force when installing or operating the device.
• Select a location where the device is protected against extreme temperatures, dust and moisture.
• Use the original packaging if the device is to be transported.
• Only use the device for its intended purpose. Using the device in an unauthorised way will void the warranty.
3. Front Panel
1. Channel A/B lights (A = red ; B = orange)
2. Operation light (green)
3. STORE: to store the current menu settings as default.
Press the 'store' button, "store" is displayed in red. While
it is being displayed, press the 'PP' button ; "PP" will
appear next to "store". Then keep the 'store' button
pressed until the word changes to green. The settings
are now stored.
4. PP: to recall the stored display settings.
5. MENU: press menu to select a parameter to be adjusted:
brightness, colour, contrast, tint, volume. Adjust the current value with the up/down buttons (#6/7).
Tint adjustment is only available for NTSC.
6. DOWN: to reduce the value of the selected parameter (default parameter is volume).
7. UP: to increase the value of the selected parameter (default parameter is volume).
8. Channel A/B selection button
9. Power switch

Inhaltszusammenfassung für Velleman components MONSCA1

  • Seite 1 If in doubt, contact your local waste disposal authorities. Thank you for buying the MONSCA1! Please read the manual thoroughly before bringing this device into service. If the device was damaged in transit, don't install or use it and contact your dealer.
  • Seite 2: Cleaning And Maintenance

    • Plug the power plug of the MONSCA1 into a mains outlet. • Make sure the video sources are switched on and switch the MONSCA1 on (fig.1 #10). Select the appropriate channel (A: fig.1 #8 / B: fig.1 #9) and adjust the menu parameters (fig.1 #5) to your liking.
  • Seite 3: Inleiding En Kenmerken

    MONSCA1 – 2-KANAALS 14" KLEURENMONITOR MET AUDIO 1. Inleiding en kenmerken Aan alle ingezetenen van de Europese Unie Belangrijke milieu-informatie betreffende dit product Dit symbool op het toestel of de verpakking geeft aan dat, als het na zijn levenscyclus wordt weggeworpen, dit toestel schade kan toebrengen aan het milieu.
  • Seite 4: Reiniging En Onderhoud

    • Steek de stekker van de MONSCA1 in een stopcontact. • Zorg dat de videobronnen ingeschakeld zijn en schakel de MONSCA1 in (fig.1 #10). Selecteer het toepasselijke kanaal (A: fig.1 #8 / B: fig.1 #9) en regel de menuparameters (fig.1 #5) naar uw wensen.
  • Seite 5: Prescriptions De Sécurité

    • Veillez à ce que les ouvertures de ventilation du MONSCA1 ne soient jamais bloquées pour éviter la surchauffe. • Allumez les sources vidéo et le MONSCA1 (fig.1 #10). Sélectionnez le canal approprié (A: fig.1 #8 / B: fig.1 #9) et réglez les paramètres du menu (fig.1 #5) à...
  • Seite 6: Spécifications Techniques

    • Seleccione un lugar de montaje donde el aparato no esté expuesto a polvo, humedad y calor extremo. • Transporte el aparato en su embalaje original. • Utilice sólo el MONSCA1 para aplicaciones descritas en este manual del usuario. Un uso desautorizado anula la garantía completamente.
  • Seite 7: Limpieza Y Mantenimiento

    • Asegúrese de que los orificios de ventilación del aparato nunca estén bloqueados para evitar el sobrecalentamiento. • Active las fuentes de vídeo y el MONSCA1 (fig.1 #10). Seleccione el canal adecuado (A: fig.1 #8 / B: fig.1 #9) y ajuste los parámetros del menú (fig.1 #5) a su antojo.
  • Seite 8: Einführung & Eigenschaften

    Falls Zweifel bestehen, wenden Sie sich für Entsorgungsrichtlinien an Ihre örtliche Behörde. Danke für den Kauf des MONSCA1! Bitte lesen Sie vor der Inbetriebnahme diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig durch. Überprüfen Sie, ob Transportschäden vorliegen. Sollte dies der Fall sein, verwenden Sie das Gerät nicht und wenden Sie sich an Ihren Händler.
  • Seite 9: Wartung Und Pflege

    • Stecken Sie den Stecker in eine Netzsteckdose. • Achten Sie darauf, dass die Videoquellen eingeschaltet sind und schalten Sie die MONSCA1 ein (Abb.1 #10). Wählen Sie den geeigneten Kanal (A: Abb. 1 #8 / B: Abb.1 #9) und regeln Sie die Menü-Parameter. (Abb.1 #5).
