Intended Use; Safety Instructions - Scuddy 00702 Gebrauchsanleitung

Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Intended Use

Note: In Germany, the product is not approved for use on public roads (according to the
road traffi c regulations). For use in other countries, please fi nd out about the statutory
provisions governing the use of electric scooters on public roads that apply in the
corresponding country.
The product is designed for movement on a fl at surface. It is not suitable for steep
gradients, competitions, artistic trick cycling or cross-country riding.
The product may not be used by children and young people under 15 years of
The product is only suitable for one person.
The maximum load it can carry is 125 kg.
The product is for personal use only and is not intended for commercial applications.
The product should only be used as described in these instructions. Any other use is
deemed to be improper.

Safety Instructions

The product is not intended to be used by people (including
children) with limited physical, sensory or mental capabilities or
who lack the necessary experience and / or knowledge.
Supervise children to ensure that they do not play with the
Check the product for damage and to make sure it works correctly
each time before you start using it! Note the start checklist (see
the "Maintenance" chapter).
The product must always be disconnected from the mains power
when it is left unattended and before assembling, disassembling
or cleaning the product.
Only charge up the battery using the mains adapter that is also
supplied. Do not use the mains adapter with other batteries.
Do not take the battery pack apart! Do not make any modifi ca-
tions to the product. If the product, the connecting cable or the
mains adapter is damaged, it must be replaced by the manu-
facturer or customer service department or a similarly qualifi ed
person (e.g. specialist workshop for two-wheelers) in order to
avoid any hazards.
00702_DE-EN-FR-NL_A5_V3.indb 23
00702_DE-EN-FR-NL_A5_V3.indb 23
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05.09.2016 09:15:08
05.09.2016 09:15:08



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