Bosch PKF375N14E Gebrauchsanleitung Seite 19

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für PKF375N14E:
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 GG
 GG
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Deactivating the beep
Short beep to confirm that a symbol
button has been pressed or long beep
to warn that an incorrect operation has
been performed.
Hotplate automatic OFF function
The hotplate always switches off
automatically once the time set on the
timer has elapsed.
Alarm duration of time programming
An alarm sounds once the period set on
the timer elapses or after the time elapses
for a plate to be automatically switched
Double hotplate
The double hotplate automatically
activates the last size used.
This function allows the outer hotplate to
be switched on and off.
Hotplate selection
The last programmed hotplate remains
selected as the basic setting.
This can be changed.
The hotplate will only remain selected for
5 seconds.
 majority of signals
 only the error signal
 all signals activated*
 automatic OFF deactivated*
 minute = minimum time
minutes = maximum time
 10 seconds
 30 seconds
 1 minute
 outer hotplate switched off
 outer hotplate switched on
 the last size is selected.*
 basic setting*
 5-second limit