Defrosting The Freezer; Defrosting Of The Refrigerator - JUNO JCZ 94181 Benutzerinformation

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To make sure fully functionality of the Na-
turaFresh 0°C compartment the lowest
shelf and cover plates must be put back
in their original position after cleaning.
Take care of not to damage the
cooling system.
Many proprietary kitchen surface cleaners
contain chemicals that can attack/dam-
age the plastics used in this appliance.
For this reason it is recommended that
the outer casing of this appliance is only
cleaned with warm water with a little
washing-up liquid added.
After cleaning, reconnect the equipment
to the mains supply.

5.2 Defrosting of the refrigerator

Defrosting of the fridge compartment is
The water that forms flows into a recipient
on the compressor and evaporates. This
recipient cannot be removed.

5.3 Defrosting the freezer

A certain amount of frost will always form
on the freezer shelves and around the top
Defrost the freezer when the frost layer
reaches a thickness of about 3-5 mm.
About 12 hours prior to defrost-
ing, set the Temperature regulator
toward higher settings, in order to
build up sufficient chill reserve for
the interruption in operation.

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