Inhaltsverzeichnis; General Information - Pfeifer MPS 1 Originalbetriebsanleitug

Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Table of Contents
1. General Information ................................................2
2. Liability and Warranty .............................................3
3. Explanation of Symbols ..........................................3
4. Safety ....................................................................3
4.1 Denominations ...............................................3
4.2 Authorised Intended Use ................................3
4.3 Predictable Misuse .........................................4
6. Regular Inspections ................................................5
7. General Operation Notes .........................................6
7.1 Use of Lifting Device ......................................7
7.2 Safety Locks .................................................7
8. Chart of Usage ......................................................8
9. Materials Chart ......................................................9
10. Model Information .............................................10
10.1 Models MPS 1 and MPS 2..........................10
10.3 Model G 2 ..................................................11
10.4 Model AST-S ..............................................11
10.5 Models NM and SP ....................................12
10.6 Models SCP and SCPA ...............................12
10.7 Models H, HS and WHS .............................13
10.8 Model M ....................................................14
10.9 Model RPZ (Rod and Bar Grab) ....................14
10.11 Models B 1 and B 2 ..................................16
of Conformity .....................................................17
12. Sequential Tests .................................................17
PFEIFER lifting clamps & grabs 04/2017 V 4.0 / Subject to technical changes!

1. General Information

The following operating manual describes lifting clamps
and grabs and their operation. For individual questions
please contact PFEIFER Seil- und Hebetechnik GmbH in
DE-87700 Memmingen / Germany.
NOTE: Lifting clamps and grabs are referred
to as lifting devices in the following.
This operation manual uses international standard SI
units of measurements.
It is absolutely essential that this operating manual
be read by the user prior to commissioning of the
lifting device. The operation company must ensure
that all users have read and understood this
operating manual.
The operating manual contains important information
regarding maintenance and servicing work and
must thus be kept the vicinity of the lifting device
(obligation to preserve records!).
If the lifting device changes hand, this operating manual
must be transferred to the new operating company.
PFEIFER Seil- und Hebetechnik GmbH owns the copy-
right for these technical documents. This operating
manual must not be made available to third parties or
competitors of PFEIFER Seil- und Hebetechnik GmbH.
Subject to alterations. All data and information has been
compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, no
liability can be derived from this. Use, reproduction and
opying of this document is only allowed under permis-
sion of PFEIFER Seil- und Hebetechnik GmbH. Each
misuse is punishable and can pledge to indemnification.


