Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen


Note: the gas hob may only be connected by
an approved installer. To ensure the safety and
warranty repairs may only be performed by
approved professionals. You should only use original
A burner ignites
The control knob is not pressed long
and turns off again.
enough to activate the auto-flame
The control knob is not adjusted at the
correct height.
The control-button
Hob is not mounted the right way under
touches the sealing
the countertop.
Sealing scale is not in the center vs.
control knob.
Spark ignition
Hob is not mounted the right way under
remains igniting.
the countertop.
Sealing scale is not in the center vs.
control knob.
The burner doesn't
The control knob is not adjusted at the
correct height.
The power plug is not in the power socket. Put the power plug into the power socket.
Fuse malfunction / fuse in meter cupboard
is disabled.
Spark ignition is dirty or wet.
Burner parts are not properly mounted.
Burner parts are dirty or wet.
The main gas supply is not open.
The control knob is not pressed long
Battery empty*
A burner does not
Burner parts are not placed properly.
burn evenly.
Burner parts are dirty or wet.
Gas smell.
Gas connection leaks.
There is a burner turned on, but not
* Depending on the model
** TS = Top
If the failure still remains please contact your dealer
or the Novy customer servic.
Press the control knob down long enough
to turn between full and low heat.
Adjust the control knob properly.
Adjust the control knob properly.
Detach sealing scale and and re-stick
Adjust the control knob properly.
Detach sealing scale and and re-stick
Adjust the control knob properly.
Install a new fuse or switch on the fuse
Clean or dry the spark ignition.
Ensure the burner parts are correctly
aligned with the centring cams.
Clean or dry the
burner parts. Make sure the outflow holes
are open.
Open the main gas supply.
Press the control knob down long enough
to turn between full and low heat.
Replace battery
Ensure the burner parts are correctly
aligned with the centring cams.
Clean or dry the
burner parts. Make sure the outflow holes
are open.
Check the connection. Turn main gas
supply off immediately when you're not
able to fix it right away.
Close the control knob and wait a few
minutes before reigniting.
– 31 –
Chapter / Page
Chapter 4 / page 18
Installation manual**
13 – 15
Installation manual**
13 – 15
Installation manual**
13 – 15
Installation manual**
13 – 15
Installation manual**
13 – 15
Installation manual**
13 – 15
Chapter 6 / page 19
Chapter 6 / page 19
Chapter 6 / page 19
Chapter 4 / page 18
Chapter 2 / page 16
Chapter 6 / page 19
Chapter 6 / page 19
Chapter 4 / page 18
