The Refrigerator Compartment; Use The Refrigerator Compartment; The Fridge; Fresh Product Drawers - Gaggenau RC222 Gebrauchsanleitung

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The refrigerator compartment

Temperature can be selected from +3 °C to +8 °C.

Use the refrigerator compartment

For storing cakes and pastries, ready meals, preserved
foods, condensed milk, hard cheese, fruit and vegetables
sensitive to the cold: tropical fruits such as mandarins,
bananas, pineapples, melons, avocados, papayas,
passion fruit, aubergines (and for ripening fruit),
tomatoes, cucumbers, green tomatoes and potatoes.

The fridge

The temperature in the fridge is about 0 °C. The low tem
perature and high humidity (in the fresh product drawer)
provide optimal storage conditions for fresh food.
All products are kept fresh double as long.

Fresh product drawers

Meat, fish, sausage, poultry, seafood
Dairy products
Nuts, almonds, dried fruit
Opened tins/jars, convenience foods

Humidity drawer

The humidity drawer is covered by a special filter which
allows the air to pass through but retains the humidity.
As a result, there is up to 90 % air humidity in the humi
dity drawer depending on the load; ideal conditions for
everything grown in the garden and field:
Apples, pears, quinces, apricots, peaches, plums,
cherries, rhubarb, grapes, berries, kiwis, lychees,
coconuts, fresh dates, figs and chestnuts
Leaf salad ingredients, e.g. lettuce, iceberg lettuce,
watercress, endives, lamb's lettuce
Cabbage vegetables, e.g. white cabbage, cauli
flower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, curly kale,
kohlrabi, savoy cabbage
Root vegetables, e.g. carrots, radishes, white radish,
beetroot, celeriac, turnips, horseradish
Peas, tomatoes, leeks, fennel, artichokes, sweet corn
All other food products, e.g. fish, seafood, meat, sausage
and cheese can be stored as long as there is space.

Foods not suitable for the cool fresh"


Fruit and vegetables sensitive to cold, e.g. tropical fruit,
avocados, papayas, passion fruit, aubergine, cucumber,
peppers, as well as fruit that has to ripen, green toma
toes, potatoes and hard cheese. The cold storage com
partment A is the ideal storage location for these foods.

When buying food, please note:

The purchase freshness" is important for the shelf life of
your food. It generally applies: The fresher the products
are when stored in the fridge, the longer they stay fresh.
Therefore, when purchasing food, always check how
fresh it is.
Storage times (at 0 °C):
Depending on the initial quality
Sausage, cold cuts, meat, offal, fish,
fresh milk, curds
Small pieces of meat, fried sausage,
mushrooms, lettuce, leafy vegetables up to 10 days
Large pieces of meat, ready meals
Smoked or cured sausage, cabbage
Large pieces of heat treated meat,
beef, game, pulses
up to 7 days
up to 15 days
up to 20 days
up to 30 days
