Maintenance In Case Of Engine Inactivity - VM Motori MR 700 Serie Gebrauchsanweisungenhandbuch

Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen


After a period of inactivity, it is necessary
to carry out a few maintenance interven-
tions before starting the engine again to
ensure its maximum efficiency conditions.
– Check the charge of the battery and the
liquid level.
– Make sure the electric contacts are
intact and properly working.
– Carry out the operation diagnosis of the
engine (see "Diagnosis of failures").
– Check the oil level, and, if necessary,
top up or replace it according to the esta-
blished intervals (see "Routine mainte-
nance table (after running-in)").
– Replace the oil filter according to the
established intervals (see "Routine main-
tenance table (after running-in)").
– Check the coolant level, and if neces-
sary, top up or replace it according to the
established intervals (see "Routine main-
tenance table (after running-in)").
– Replace the fuel filter according to the
established intervals (see "Routine main-
tenance table (after running-in)").
– Replace the air filter according to the
established intervals (see "Routine main-
tenance table (after running-in)").
Ed. 3 - 2012_11
– Tension again the transmission belt
(see "Method for tightening or loosening
the belt").
– Check the tightening of the hydraulic
unions (see "Control screw tightening and
union sealing").
– Check the integrity of the impeller of the
seawater pump (see "Routine maintenan-
ce table (after running-in)").
– Check the integrity of the electrolytic
zinc (see "Routine maintenance table
(after running-in)")
– Use a cloth soaked in a degreasing
product to remove the external protective
– Start the engine and run it at minimum
speed for a few minutes (see "Engine
ignition and turning off").
– If no anomalies are detected, bring
the engine to its operating temperature
– Turn off the engine and check again the
engine oil and coolant level.
MR 700
