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h) Forecast Mode

In forecast mode, the meter shows an extrapolation of the "energy consump-
tion" and the power costs" based on the present measured data (can be
switched for a day, a week, a month or a year).
If the meter is connected to the mains voltage, the forecast mode
shows an extrapolation of the data based on the consumer's power
intake just displayed.
If the meter is disconnected from the mains voltage, the forecast
mode shows an extrapolation based on the recorded measured data.
Here, the standby times or the times during which the consumer was
switched off are also included for extrapolation.
• To call the forecast mode, keep the button "OK" (2) pushed for 3 seconds.
In the display, "CURRENT" (current data) switches to "FORECAST" (forecast
• Repeated short pushing of the button "
lation for one day ("DAY"), one week ("WEEK"), one month ("MONTH") or one
year ("YEAR").
• Briefly pushing the button "SET" (3) switches the lower display line between
energy (kWh) and CO
• To leave the forecast mode, keep the button "OK" (2) pushed for 3 seconds.
The display "FORECAST" switches back to "CURRENT".
emission (kg/kWh).
" (5) switches between the extrapo-

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