
Operator's manual
Read these instructions carefully and make
sure you understand them before using
Manual de Instrucciones
Antes de utilizar DIMAS WS 355 lea bien el
manual de instrucciones hasta comprender
su contenido.
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dem Inhalt vertraut, bevor Sie
DIMAS WS 355 benutzen.
Manuel d'utilisation
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manuel d'utilisation avant de se servir

Inhaltszusammenfassung für DIMAS WS 355

  • Seite 1 Operator’s manual Read these instructions carefully and make sure you understand them before using DIMAS WS 355. Manual de Instrucciones Antes de utilizar DIMAS WS 355 lea bien el manual de instrucciones hasta comprender su contenido. Bedienungsanweisung Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanweisung sorgfältig durch und machen Sie sich mit...
  • Seite 2 Read the entire operator's manual before Read, understand and follow all Always wear eye and ear protectors using or servicing this unit. warnings and instructions in this manual when using this unit. and on the unit. Lea, comprenda y siga todas las Antes de utilizar o hacer el servicio de la Utilice siempre protecciones para advertencias y demás instrucciones de...
  • Seite 3 WARNING! Under no circumstances may the power unit or the machine be modified from the original design without the permission of the manufacturer. Unapproved modifications can result in serious personal injury or even death. WARNING! These machines can be dangerous if they are used improperly or without due care and such use can lead to serious accidents or, in the worst case, fatal accidents.
  • Seite 4: Inhaltsverzeichnis

    Contents Safety Instructions _________________________________________________________ 4 Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 12 Technical Data ____________________________________________________________ 14 Saw Motor _______________________________________________________________ 18 Assembling/Fitting Equipment ________________________________________________ 20 Before cutting _____________________________________________________________ 25 Sawing __________________________________________________________________ 27 Completing cutting _________________________________________________________ 28 After cutting ______________________________________________________________ 29 Maintenance _____________________________________________________________ 31 Transport ________________________________________________________________ 35 Conformance with EU Directives ______________________________________________ 37 Índice Instrucciones de seguridad __________________________________________________ 6...
  • Seite 5: Safety Instructions

    During the design and manufacture of Dimas products, great importance is placed on safety, as well as effectiveness and ease of use. To ensure that the machine remains safe you must pay attention to the following: 1.
  • Seite 6 23. Check that the hoses are connected correctly to the tool and that the hydraulic couplings lock as intended before applying pressure to the hydraulic system. The couplings are locked by turning the outer sleeve on the female coupling so that the slot moves away from the ball.
  • Seite 7: Instrucciones De Seguridad

    En el diseño y fabricación de los productos Dimas se ha puesto un gran énfasis en la seguridad, además de la efectividad y la facilidad de manejo. Aspectos que se deben considerar para mantener la seguridad de las máquinas: 1.
  • Seite 8 23. Comprobar que las mangueras estén conectadas adecuadamente en la herramienta y que las conexiones hidráulicas cierren como es debido antes de presurizar el sistema hidráulico. Las conexiones se fijan girando el manguito exterior del acoplamiento hembra para apartar la ranura de la bola. Las mangueras de presión del sistema deben conectarse siempre en la entrada de la herramienta.
  • Seite 9: Sicherheitsanweisungen

    Wer jedoch stets den gesunden Menschenverstand einsetzt, kann Unfällen selbst vorbeugen. Bei der Konstruktion und Herstellung von Dimas-Produkten wurde neben der Leistungsfähigkeit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit größtes Gewicht auf die Sicherheit gelegt. Beachten Sie Folgendes, um einen sicheren Maschinenbetrieb zu gewährleisten: 1.
  • Seite 10 23. Sicherstellen, dass die Schläuche korrekt an das Werkzeug angeschlossen sind und die Hydraulikkupplungen ordnungsgemäß verriegelt wurden, bevor das Hydrauliksystem unter Druck gesetzt wird. Um die Kupplungen zu verriegeln, die Außenhülse der Buchsenkupplung drehen, wodurch sich die Nut von der Kugel entfernt. Die Druckschläuche des Systems sind stets an den Werkzeugeinlass anzuschließen.
  • Seite 11: Consignes De Sécurité

    Lors de la conception et de la fabrication des produits Dimas, un soin particulier a été apporté à la sécurité des machines, outre leur efficacité et leur simplicité d’utilisation. Pour que la machine demeure de toute sécurité, certains points doivent être respectés : 1.
  • Seite 12 23. Contrôler que les flexibles sont raccordés correctement à l’outil et que les raccords hydrauliques se verrouillent comme prévu avant de mettre le système hydraulique sous pression. Pour verrouiller les raccords, tourner la douille extérieure du raccord femelle afin que la rainure s’éloigne de la boule. Les tuyaux de pression du système doivent toujours être connectés à...
  • Seite 13: Introduction

    Fig.1 Introduction Our aim in designing the Dimas wall saw was to produce The Dimas WS 355 is a complete wall saw system equipment that can be divided into several units so that it comprising: can be managed by one person and operated as...
  • Seite 14 Much effort was invested in ensuring the stability of the Since cutting work involves a great deal of transporting rail so that the available power can be used as effectively and moving equipment, special cases have been as possible. Guiding the saw trolley accurately means produced for the various components.
  • Seite 15: Technical Data

    Fig. 2 Technical Data Hydraulic fluid flow, max. ___________________ 65 l/min (17 US gallons/min) Pressure, max. __________________________ 230 bar (3242 psi) Trolley motion ___________________________ hydraulic Blade motion ____________________________ hydraulic Weight: Wall saw unit ____________________________ 27 kg (59 lbs) Blade guard diam. 800 mm (32") _____________ 15 kg (33 lbs) Rail L = 1200 mm (47") ___________________ 8.5 kg (19 lbs) L = 2000 mm (79") ___________________ 13.5 kg (30 lbs) Datos técnicos...
  • Seite 16 Fig. 3 Cutting capacity: 800mm (32") blade diameter (max. start blade) ______________ wall thickness 340 mm (14") 1000mm (40") blade diameter (max. start blade) _____________ wall thickness 440 mm (17") 1200mm (47") blade diameter (max. start blade) _____________ wall thickness 540 mm (21") 1600mm (63") blade diameter (max.
  • Seite 17 Cutting speed m/s 800 1000 1200 1500 1600 Blade diameter, mm Spindle speed 1400 rpm pos. 3 Spindle speed 1000 rpm pos. 2 Spindle speed 630 rpm pos. 1 Velocidad de corte, m/s Diámetro de hoja de sierra (mm) 600 800 1000 1200 1500 1600 Velocidad del husillo,...
  • Seite 18 Cutting speed, ft/min 24" 28" 32" 40" 47" Blade diameter, inches 59" 63" ft/min ft/min Spindle speed 1400 rpm pos. 3 8797 10263 ft/min ft/min Spindle speed 1000 rpm pos. 2 8378 10472 ft/min ft/min ft/min Spindle speed 630 rpm pos.
  • Seite 19: Saw Motor

    Fig. 5 Fig. 4 Saw Motor Speed valve Lock knobs The rotation speed of the saw motor is controlled with this The saw motor is locked on the rail with these. The valve. There are three positions. The rotation speed you handles are turned to the lock position when setting up should use depends on the size of the blade you have the saw.
  • Seite 20 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Hydraulic hose connections The hoses have foolproof couplings to ensure correct fitting. The hydraulic flow in the large hoses drives the saw blade, and the hydraulic flow in the small hoses drives the NOTE! direction of the saw. Keep the area round the hydraulic hoses clean.
  • Seite 21: Assembling/Fitting Equipment

    Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Assembling/Fitting Equipment Equipment Wall mounting Take the equipment to the work site. 1. Mark the cutting line and mark the positions of the drill holes for the expander bolts at a distance of 215 mm (8.5") from the cutting line. 2.
  • Seite 22: Schiene Montieren

    Fig. 11 Fig. 10 Fitting the rail 5. Place the rail between the wall mountings and tighten 6. Check that the rail sits correctly in the slots in the wall the compression washers. mountings. 7. Adjust the distance between the cutting line and the wall mounting.
  • Seite 23: Säge Montieren

    Fig. 12 Fit the saw Lift the saw from its transport case using the handle. With the black control levers directed towards the blade, the NOTE! saw trolley can be placed anywhere along the length of Heavy lift, remember to assume correct lifting posture. the rail.
  • Seite 24 Fig. 14 Fig. 13 Fit the saw blade Fit the blade guard and water hose 1. Remove any dirt from the contact surfaces on the Adjust the water connection on the cutting arm so that the blade flange and blade. coupling points straight out from the wall.
  • Seite 25: Schläuche Anschließen

    Fig. 15 Hose assembly Wipe clean the quick couplings for the hydraulic hoses The hydraulic flow in the large hoses drives the saw from any dirt. Connect the hose assembly and lock the blade. large couplings with the lock rings. They are locked by The hydraulic flow in the small hoses drives the saw arm.
  • Seite 26: Before Cutting

    Fig. 16 Before cutting Connect the hydraulic unit Connect the water supply hose to a hydraulic power unit. Check the hydraulic fluid level. Speed valve 1. Adjust the speed valve on the saw motor to the correct position, depending on the blade diameter (see the tables cutting capacity and cutting speed).
  • Seite 27 Start blade rotation Moving the saw 3. If cutting can be started from the point where the saw 2. If cutting is to begin in another position along the rail, trolley is positioned, start the blade rotation and the run the saw to the start position. coolant water.
  • Seite 28: Sawing

    Sawing Guide cut, blade motion 1. Advance the blade into the wall. 3. As the rail is symmetrical, the saw can now be turned to make a new cut on the other side of the rail. The recommended cutting depth for the guide cut is The C/C value will be 430 mm.
  • Seite 29: Completing Cutting

    Trolley motion Completing cutting 4. Once you have made the guide cut, repeat the Move the blade back from the wall. procedure from step 1 onwards until you have cut through the wall. The depth of the cut will vary from case to case.
  • Seite 30: After Cutting

    After cutting Rinsing The water hose can be removed from the saw and used 1. After cutting is completed, turn off the blade rotation to rinse the saw. and water flow. 2. Turn off the hydraulic power unit. Después de cortar Lavado La manguera de agua se puede soltar de la sierra y 1.
  • Seite 31: Desmontaje Del Equipo

    Dismantling the equipment NOTE! 1. Allow the motor to stop completely. Always clean all the equipment at the end of the working day. 2. Disconnect the power supply cable before disconnecting the water hoses. 3. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses. 4. The other steps are done in the reverse order to assembling.
  • Seite 32: Maintenance

    Hydrauliköl mit Öl befüllt. Stets den Magnetstopfen reinigen, wenn er gelöst wurde. Der Schwenkarm enthält 0,4 l (0.42 USqt) Dimas Oil 150, ein Getriebeöl vom Typ EP 150. Der erste Ölwechsel ist nach einem Monat Betrieb vorzunehmen, anschließend zweimal WARNUNG! jährlich.
  • Seite 33: Reinigung

    Routine checks Cleaning It is important to clean all the equipment. It is a good idea Regularly check: to disconnect the blade’s water coolant hose from the Any abnormal noises. cutting arm and use this to wash down the saw unit, blade guard, wall mountings, and rail after the water valve is opened.
  • Seite 34 Fig. 18 Adjusting the guide wheels Tightening Torques In order for the saw to run in a stable manner along the rail The rocking levers are fitted with a sliding clutch that, if and in turn be able to cut straight and have an even necessary, can be adjusted by tightening the five M8 bolts horizontal motion, the guide wheels must be adjusted found on the front of the saw unit.
  • Seite 35 Si ce problème se produit, contacter un fabricant agréé par Dimas pour 4. Prendre une clé hexagonale de 4 mm et la placer dans qu’il effectue un nouveau réglage du tendeur de chaîne.
  • Seite 36: Transport

    Fig. 23 Fig. 22 Axial adjustment of the guide wheels Transport 1. Place the saw upside down on a workbench or the The saw unit, rail, blade guard, and even the hose like. assembly should be stored in the strong plywood cases that the equipment was supplied in.
  • Seite 37 Freight weights Large case (containing saw unit, hose assembly, etc.) ____ 70 kg (157 lbs) Long case (containing rail, etc.) _____________________ 35 kg (78 lbs) Small case (containing blade guard d800) _____________ 25 kg (56 lbs) Small case (containing blade guard d1000) ____________ 26 kg (58 lbs) Small case (containing blade guard d1200) ____________ 29 kg (65 lbs) Pesos de transporte Caja grande (con la sierra, el conjunto de mangueras, etc.) _ 70 kg (157 lbs)
  • Seite 38: Conformance With Eu Directives

    EU Declaration of Conformity to Directive Dimas AB, Box 2098, 550 02 Jönköping, Sweden, tel: +46 36 570 60 00, hereby certifies that the WS 355 Wall Saw, from serial number 01001 and onwards, are manufactured in accordance with the Council’s machinery directive 98/37/EEC, low-voltage directive 73/23/EEC, and directive 89/336/EEC on electromagnetic compatibility, with amendments, and that the following standards have been used for guidance: EN 55 014-1, EN 55 014-2, EN 61 000-3-2, EN 50 144-1.
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