Control; Description Of Functions; Quick Guide - Menu Settings For Cooling - Nibe HPAC 28 Montage- Und Bedienungsanweisung

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GB Control


Description of functions

The cooling supply to the building is controlled in ac-
cordance with the preset curve slope in menu 2.9.1.
After adjustment, the correct amount of cooling for the
current outdoor temperature is supplied to the building.
The HPAC flow temperature will hover around the theo-
retical required value (the value in parentheses in menu
2.0). In the event of excess temperature the FIGHTER
1140/1240 calculates a surplus in the form of degree-
minutes, which means that the greater the excess tem-
perature that temporarily prevails, the more the connec-
tion of active cooling production is accelerated.
FIGHTER 1140 HPAC automatically switches to cooling
mode when the outdoor temperature exceeds the value
set in menu 2.9.3. Passive cooling is always activated
for less than 5 minutes first. If this is not sufficient to
maintain the desired temperature in the supply line, ac-
tive cooling is switched on.
Passive cooling means that the FIGHTER 1140/1240,
with the aid of the circulation pumps, circulates fluid
from the ground/rock collector through the building's
distribution system and cools the building. In passive
cooling mode, "PC" is shown on the heat pump display.
When the cooling requirement is too great for passive
cooling to manage, i. e. if the degree-minutes have
reached the start level, or the preset limit value in menu
2.9.4 has been reached, active cooling is switched in.
The compressor then starts and the resulting cold me-
dium circulates to the building's distribution system and
the heat circulates out to the ground/rock collector. In
this mode, "AC" is shown on the heat pump display.
Once the heat pump has started producing active coo-
ling, there will be a delay of 2 hours before passive coo-
ling can begin, unless the compressor is needed.
Quick guide – menu settings for cooling
Menu 8.1.1 Operation mode types
The desired menu type is selected here: Normal,
Extended or Service.
Select Service to gain access to all the menus.
Menu 9.2.16 Cooling system
The type of cooling system is selected here. It can be
set to "HPAC" or the Off position. The factory setting is
Menu 2.3 Flow Temp./MIN
The lowest permitted supply temperature is selected
here. The value is adjustable between 2 and 65 °C. The
factory setting is 15 °C.
The recommended minimum setting in the case of a
floor loops distribution system is 18 °C.
Once the heat pump has entered a cooling mode, heat
cannot be generated in less than 3 hours.
During heat production, there is a 2 degree wait until
the preset starting temperature for cooling is reached
(menu 2.9.3).
Three different cooling curves can be selected, refer to
the illustration for more details.
Calculated flow tem-
If a room sensor (RG 10) is connected, cooling begins if
the room temperature exceeds the desired room tempe-
rature by the selected value on the excess temperature,
Beräknad framledningstemperatur
the cooling function activates. The cooling function
deactivates when the room temperature drops by half
the selected excess temperature.
The value is adjustable between 1 and 9 °C excess tem-
The factory setting is 2.
To prevent hunting in the heating system, there is a neu-
tral zone of half the value "Room diff. cooling" (which
is set in Menu 6.4) between heating and cooling opera-
tions. Heat production is only permitted up to the desi-
red room temperature. If the temperature is higher than
this, the heating is switched off.
Menu 2.9.1 Cooling curve
The curve slope (cooling curve) is selected here. The
value can be set between curves 1 and 3. The factory
setting is 2.
Menu 2.9.2 Offset cold curve
The cooling curve offset is selected here. The value can
be set between -10 and +10. The factory setting is 0.
Menu 2.9.3 Start temp. cooling
Here you select at what outside temperature cooling
shall be activated. The value is adjustable between 20
and 40 °C. The factory setting is 25 °C.
Menu 2.9.4 Diff Passive/Active
If the flow temperature at the sensor (FG) exceeds the
calculated flow temperature + this value the system
switches to active cooling. The value is adjustable bet-
ween 1 and 9 °C. The factory setting is 4 °C.
k = 1
k = 2
k = 3
