Functional Description; Safety Instructions; Cleaning And Mainte - SATA SATAjet B Bedienungsanleitung

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für SATAjet B:
SATAjet B, SATAjet GR | 4
Scope of Delivery
Nozzle MSB, 0,6 litres non-drip plastic cup
Technical Data
Air consumption at 60 psi
Maximum spray air pressure:
Maximum coating material tem-

2. Functional Description

With the SATAjet B and SATAjet GR corrosives, glaze, paint and
laquers up to a spray viscosity of about 70 sec. in a DIN 4 mm
cup, depending on nozzle size, can be processed. Materials
that are abrasive, acidic or contain benzine must not be used.
The compressed air supply required for spraying is fed to the air
connection that is screwed into the gun grip. Squeeze the trig-
ger as far as the first pressure point opens the air valve (pre-air
control). When the trigger is squeezed further, the paint needle
is pulled out of the paint nozzle. The spraying medium then
flows unpressurized out of the paint nozzle due to gravity and is
simultaneously atomized by the compressed air that flows from
the air nozzle. The cover of the plastic cup is equipped with a drip
stop that prevents the material from escaping from the vent hole.

3. Safety Instructions

Please note:
Never point paint guns at yourself, at other persons or ani-
mals. Solvents and diluting agents can cause burns. Only the
respective quantities of solvents and paints required for work
progress may be present in the direct surroundings of the unit
and are to be returned after work to their assigned storage
rooms. Before any repair work may be carried out, the unit
must be disconnected from the compressed air network and
pressure must be released.
Before starting to use the paint gun, particularly after
repairs, ensure that screws and nuts are correctly tight-
ened, and check that gun and hoses do not leak.
Defect components must be replaced or repaired, use original
spare parts only.
No sources of ignition (e.g. open flames, burning cigarettes,
lamps without ex-protection etc.) may be present during paint-
ing, as easily flammable mixtures are generated during the
painting process.
Occupational safety regulations must be applied when painting
(respiratory protection etc.). Appropriate ear protection muffs
are required, as a sound level of 85 dB (A) can be exceeded
when painting under higher pressure levels.
No vibration is transmitted to the upper parts of the operator's
body during the painting process.
Recoil forces are negligible.
The use of this product in explosion hazard areas Zone 0 is
4. Use
4.1. General
Prior to putting the unit/spray gun into operation, read the oper-
ating instructions completely and thoroughly. The stipulations
contained therein are to be respected in any case. After that, the
about 12,3 cfm
10 bar (145 psi)
80° C
Warning! Attention!
operating instructions are to be stored in a safe place, accessible
for every user of the equipment. The unit/spray gun may only be
put into operation by persons familiar with its use (professionals).
Inappropriate use of the unit/spray gun, modification of any kind
or combination with inappropriate other parts may cause material
damage, serious hazard to the user's, other person's or animal's
health or even death. SATA shall not take any responsibility for
such damages (e.g. failure to respect the stipulations laid out in
the operating instructions). The applicable safety, workplace and
worker health protection regulations of the respective country or
area/district in which the system/the spray gun is used are to be
respected in any case (e.g. the German Rules for the Prevention
of Accidents BGR 500 (BGV D25) and BGV D24 issued by the
Central Office of the Professional Trade Associations, etc.).
4.2. Setting the Spray Pattern
To adjust fan width, rotate the regulator. The spray pattern can
be altered from flat to round as required.
4.3. Reduction of the Material Volume
Needle stroke and therefore material flow aresteplessly reduca-
ble by attaching the material flow control screw (unscrew counter
nut, adjust and tighten the nut).
4.4. Adjusting the air volume by means of
the air micrometer
The infinitely variable air micrometer allows the spray air volume
to be adapted to suit the medium being sprayed or misted.
Maximum atomization = Air micrometer in vertical position (paral-
lel to gun body)
Minimum atomization = Air micrometer in horizontal position
(across gun body)
While the spray gun is connected to the air supply, the air
micrometer fixing screw, Art. No. 3624, must not be removed.
When the fixing screw is removed, the spray gun must not be
put into operation.
4.5. Changing the Nozzle Set
When changing to another nozzle size, make sure that the
complete nozzle set is exchanged. These parts (consisting of air
nozzle, paint nozzle and paint needle) are always supplied in one
set. Fix paint nozzle before paint needle.
4.6. Changing the Self-Adjusting Seals
Unscrew the packing screw with attached socket spanner and
take out the needle packing.
5. Cleaning and Maintenance
a) After use flush the gun thoroughly with thinner or cleaning
b) Clean air nozzle with brush provided. Do not immerse the gun
in thinner or cleaning fluid.
c) Blocked orifices should never be cleaned with improper
objects; the smallest amount of damage will badly influence
the spray pattern. Use SATA nozzle cleaning needles.
d) Prior to any repair work the unit must always be disconnected
from air pressure circuit.
e) Apply SATA special grease (Art. No. 48173) to moving parts
if necessary.
Paint spray gun may be cleaned with solvent or cleaning
agents manually or in a conventional gun washing machine.

Diese Anleitung auch für:

Satajet gr
