Closing The Camera; Advancing To The 1St Frame; Rewinding And Removing The Film - Leica MP Bedienungsanleitung

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Closing the camera

8. Close the hinged rear panel,
9. hook the bottom cover onto the retaining pin
(1) on the side of the camera,
10. close it, ensuring that the rear panel is com-
pletely pressed in so that the bottom cover
holds it in place, and
11. lock using the latch.
Winding to the 1st frame
12. Advance the film by one frame using the quick
wind lever (19) and release the shutter.
13. Then tension the film by carefully turning the
rewind knob*(10a) or the rewind crank* (10b)
in the direction of the arrow. The film is prop-
erly wound if the rewind knob/crank turns in
the opposite direction to the arrow when the
quick wind lever is operated again.
14. Finally, release the shutter again and cock it a
third time. The frame counter (18) now shows
1 and, after checking or setting the film speed,
the camera is ready to use (see the respective
sections starting on p. 80 for details).
* Within the Leica á la carte program, the LEICA MP can be
equipped with either one of these features.

Rewinding and removing the film

If the film has been exposed up to the last frame,
the quick wind lever can no longer be operated.
Before removing the film, it must be rewound into
the film cartridge.
To do this:
1. Turn the rewind release lever (5) to R.
2. Pull up the rewind button* (max.11 mm) or flip
out the rewind crank* and
3. turn it clockwise (in the direction of the arrow)
until, after passing a slight resistance, the film
is pulled off of the take-up spool.

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