Metering Memory Lock; Exposure Compensation - Leica M10 Anleitung

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Metering memory lock

For compositional reasons, the most important part of the subject
is often not in the center of the picture, and sometimes such im-
portant parts of the subject may be excessively light or dark. Cen-
ter-weighted metering and spot metering record predominantly or
exclusively an area in the center of the image and are calibrated to
an average gray scale value.
Subjects and situations of this type can be handled very easily
even in aperture priority mode, using metering memory lock.
• Metering memory lock should not be used in conjunction with
multi-field metering, as in such cases selective recording of a
single subject detail is not possible.
• In conjunction with metering memory lock, Live View also pro-
vides an exposure simulation feature (see p. 161).
Using the function
1. Aim at the important subject detail (with the metering field for
spot metering) or alternatively at another detail with average
2. Press the shutter button
surement and saving is carried out.
• As long as the pressure point is held, a small red dot appears
in the viewfinder at the top in the digits line for confirmation,
and the exposure time no longer changes even if the lighting
conditions are different.
3. Keeping the shutter buttone pressed, move the camera to
capture the final trimming, and
4. release.
to the 1st pressure point: Mea-
Changing the aperture setting after using exposure lock has no
effect on the shutter speed, and will lead to an incorrect exposure.
Metering memory lock is canceled when you remove your finger
from the shutter button pressure point.

Exposure compensation

Exposure meters are calibrated to an average gray scale value (18%
reflection), which corresponds to the brightness of a normal, i.e.
average photographic subject. If the actual subject detail does not
match this assumption, an appropriate exposure compensation can
be performed.
Particularly when taking several pictures in succession, for in-
stance if for any reason a series of pictures is taken deliberately
using slight under or overexposure, exposure compensation is a
very useful function: In contrast to metering memory lock, once set
it remains effective until it is reset.
Exposure compensation can be set in the range ±3EV in
Entering and canceling an exposure compensation
A� With focus button and thumbwheel
1. Hold the Focus button
pressed down, and
2. use the thumbwheel
to select the desired value.

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