General Information On Flash Exposure Metering And Control; Compatible Flash Units - Leica M Monochrom Anleitung

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gEnErAL InForMATIon on FLAsh
ExposurE METErIng And ConTroL
Flash measurement cells
The Leica M Monochrom determines the necessary
flash power by firing one or more ranging flashes,
fractions of a second before taking the actual picture.
Immediately after this, at the start of exposure, the
main flash is fired.
All factors that influence the exposure (such as
picture filter and changes to the aperture setting) are
automatically taken into account.


The following flash units enable all functions described
in this manual to be used when attached to the Leica M
• The Leica SF 58 system flash unit (order no.
14 488). With a maximum guide number of 58 (in
105m setting), an automatically controlled zoom
reflector (with coded Leica M lenses, see p. 104),
an optional second reflector and many other
functions, it is both powerful and versatile. Thanks
to its permanently attached flash foot with additional
control and signal contacts, which are used to
automatically transfer a range of data and settings, it
is very easy to use.
• The Leica SF 24D system flash unit (order no.
14 444). The ideal solution thanks to its compact
dimensions and design geared to the camera. Like the
Leica SF 58, it has a permanently attached flash foot
with all contacts and is also very easy to operate.
• Flash units which meet the technical requirements
for System Camera Adaption (SCA) System 3000, are
fitted with the SCA-3502/3501 adaptor and which
allow guide number control.
Other commercially available flash attachments with
standard flash foot
and positive center contact, and
fired by the center contact (X contact, 1.20a) can also
be used. We recommend the use of modern thyristor­
controlled electronic flash units.
The aperture specified on the lens must be entered manually on
the flash unit.


