Exposure Metering And Control; Exposure Metering Methods; Center-Weighted Metering - Leica TL Anleitung

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Exposure Metering Methods

Your Leica TL off ers three exposure metering methods to adapt to
prevalent lighting and other conditions like your working methods
or artistic ideas:
the required setting in
Multiple fi eld metering -
With this metering method, the camera automatically analyses the
brightness diff erences in the subject and, by comparing them with
programmed brightness distribution patterns, arrives at the likely
position of the main subject and the corresponding best exposure.
As a result, this method is particularly suitable for spontaneous,
uncomplicated, and yet reliable photography, even under diffi cult
conditions and therefore for the camera´s automatic mode.

Center-weighted metering -

This metering method allocates the highest weighting to the center
of the image fi eld, but also records all other areas.
Particularly when used in conjunction with metering memory lock,
it allows the exposure to be selectively adjusted to specifi c sec-
tions of the subject, while simultaneously taking into account the
entire image fi eld.
Spot metering -
This metering method is concentrated exclusively on a small area
in the center of the image.
It allows exact measurement of small or tiny details for precise
exposure - preferably in conjunction with manual setting.
For backlit pictures, for example, you normally need to prevent the
brighter surroundings causing underexposure of the main subject.
The much smaller metering fi eld with spot metering enables these
subject details to be selectively evaluated.


