Powerfunction; Timer - Novy 1758 Montageanleitung Und Bedienungsanleitung

Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen


The Power function [ P ] grants a boost of power to the selected heating zone.
If this function is activated the heating zones work during 10 minutes with an ultra high power.
Power is foreseen for example to heat up rapidly big quantities of water, like nuddles
 Start up / Stop the booster Power function:
Zone selection
Start up the Power
Stop the Power
Power management:
The hole cooking hob is equipped by a maximum of power. When the booster function is
activated, and not to exceed the maximum power, the electronic system orders to reduce
automatically the power level of an other heating zone. The display is blinking on [ 9 ] during a
few seconds and then shows the maximum of power allowed:
Heating zone selected
[ P ] is displayed


The timer is able to be used simultaneous with all heating zones and this with different time
settings (from 0 to 99 minutes) for each heating zone.
Setting and modification of the cooking time :
Zone selection
Select the power level
Select « Timer »
Set the tens
Set the units
The time is confirmed and the cooking starts.
To stop the cooking time :
Zone selection
Select « Timer »
Desactivate « Timer »
Automatic stop at the end of the cooking time:
As soon as the selected cooking time is finished the timer displays blink [ 00 ] and a sound rings.
To stop the sound and the blinking it is enough to press the key [
Control panel
Press on the "SLIDER"
across from the desired zone
Slide on the "SLIDER"
Slide on the "SLIDER"
The other heating zone:
[ 9 ] goes to [ 6 ] or [ 8 ] depending the type of zone
Control panel
Press on the "SLIDER"
across from the desired zone
Slide on the "SLIDER"
Press on the [
Press on the [
Slide on the "SLIDER"
Control panel
Press on the "SLIDER"
across from the desired zone
Press on the [
Slide on the "SLIDER" to [ 0 ]
[ 0 ] and control
light on
[ 0 ] to [ P ]
[ P ] to [ 0 ]
(example: power level 9)
[ 0 ] and control
light on
[ 1 ] to [ 9 ]
[ 00 ]
[ 10, 20, 30, ... ]
[ 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, ...]
[ 0 ] and control
light on
[ 00 ]
[ 00 ]
