Creating Scenarios (Emp Slidemaker); Creating Scenarios - Epson Easy MP Benutzerhandbuch

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Creating Scenarios (EMP SlideMaker)

A file that has been created and saved by merging PowerPoint and image files, then arranging the
images in the order of projection is referred to as a "scenario". A scenario is created using EMP
SlideMaker. With EMP SlideMaker, the desired images can be extracted, rearranged, and used to
prepare presentation materials easily and efficiently without editing the source files. The created
scenarios can be projected using the EasyMP functions of the projector. (see page 34)
EMP SlideMaker
Send Scenarios (see page 30)
Project Scenarios (see page 34)

Creating Scenarios

Be aware of the following items before creating a scenario.
In advance, create the source files (e.g., the PowerPoint data and the image files) that will be
merged into the scenario.
Files other than those listed in "Files That Can Be Merged Into a Scenario File" on the previous
page cannot be used.
Please note that the scenarios to be created with EMP SlideMaker are not compatible with
scenarios created with EMP Scenario of the EMP-8150/8150NL.
Start Windows on the computer, and then click [Start], and select [Programs],
[EMP SlideMaker], then [EMP SlideMaker] from the Start menu.
EMP SlideMaker will start up.
Select the [File] menu, then [New].
The "Scenario Settings" dialog box is displayed.
Create Scenarios
On the computer
With the projector
Creating Scenarios (EMP SlideMaker) -
