Epson Easy MP Benutzerhandbuch Seite 54

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Problems When EasyMP Is Used
Problems When the EasyMP Software Is Used
If a problem persists, disconnect the projector's power supply cord from the power outlet, and
contact your dealer or nearest address provided at "International Warranty Conditions" in
"Safety Instructions/World-Wide Warranty Terms" included in the package.
- When a Problem Occurs
G Images are abnormal (corrupted).
Some JPEG images cannot be displayed normally, depending on the
resolution. If they are not displayed normally, adjust the resolution so
that the number of vertical lines is set to a multiple of eight pixels and
the number of horizontal lines is set to a multiple of 16 or 32 pixels. This
problem should not occur with scenario files created using EMP
SlideMaker and general-resolution types (VGA or XGA).
G PowerPoint files (.ppt) are not displayed in the File window.
Files created using PowerPoint 95 or files saved in PowerPoint 95
format cannot be edited using the EasyMP Software. Save such files in
PowerPoint 97 or PowerPoint 2000 first before using them.
G PowerPoint files (.ppt) cannot be pasted into a scenario, or
thumbnails cannot be displayed.
MS-Office's JPEG Converter may not have been installed. Display the
"Graphic Filter" option of "Converters and Filters" from the Office 97
Installer, select all or select the JPEG filter, and then install the JPEG
Converter. (For Office 2000, the JPEG Filter is included in the standard
G Created scenario files cannot be edited.
Scenario files (.sit) transferred to a memory card cannot be edited again
using the EasyMP Software. To edit them, use the scenario data (.sic)
saved temporarily by the EasyMP Software.
