Epson Easy MP Benutzerhandbuch Seite 26

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für Easy MP:
Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Complete the scenario by adding or deleting a file or pages and rearranging their order.
The contents displayed in the scenario window are projected sequentially from the top
when they are projected using EasyMP.
To add a file or page, click the cell below the one to be added. After the color of that cell
changes to yellow, double-click the file or page to be added.
To delete a file or page, right-click the cell to be deleted. Select [Cut] in the menu
(shortcut menu) that appears.
To change the order, drag & drop the cell to be moved within the scenario window. Or,
display the shortcut menu, select [Cut], and then select [Paste].
Multiple files or thumbnails cannot be pasted into a scenario simultaneously.
To switch to another image source, such as a computer or video cassette recorder, while
projecting the scenario, right-click on the cell where you want to switch the input source
and select [Insert Source Control].
The control cell that switches the display will appear. Control cell (default : computer
image) is displayed when inserting, but it can be changed using [Cell Properties] in the
shortcut menu.
- Creating Scenarios (EMP SlideMaker)
To add, drag & drop the desired file or page into the
scenario window.
