Introduction To Functions - Epson Easy MP Benutzerhandbuch

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Introduction to Functions

The EasyMP functions are divided into the projector's EasyMP functions and the auxiliary EMP
SlideMaker functions. The details of each function group and the flow of operation are shown
Computer (EMP SlideMaker)
Creating a Scenario
In the same way that film slides can be arranged, specific slides from a PowerPoint file and
image files that you wish to project can be extracted, arranged in the desired order, and stored
together in a single file. This file is called a "scenario". Since the extraction and rearrangement
of the desired pages can be done without editing the original files, presentation materials can be
prepared easily and efficiently according to the audience and purpose of the presentation.
(see page 21)
Sending a Scenario
Created scenarios are stored on the memory card. (see page 30)
Projector (EasyMP)
Projecting a Scenario
The scenario sent to the memory card can be
projected, which allows the presentation to be
made using only the projector, without connecting
it to a computer. (see page 34)
Previewing Image Files
The image files stored on the memory card can be projected directly without connecting the
projector to a computer. (see page 39)
Previewing Folders
The image files stored in a folder of the memory card can be projected either in a list view or one
by one in sequence. For example, photos can be projected one after another, as with a slide
projector, by inserting a memory card in which photos from a digital camera are stored. (see
page 40)
Editing a Scenario
The order in which scenario pages
are projected can be changed, and
specified scenario pages can be
hidden. (see page 36)
Introduction to Functions -
