What Do You Do When - Epson Easy MP Benutzerhandbuch

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What Do You Do When...

Creating Scenarios Simply
To create a scenario simply from a single PowerPoint file, just drag & drop the PowerPoint file
icon onto the EMP SlideMaker program icon, located on the desktop.
If multiple PowerPoint files are selected and dragged & dropped onto the EMP SlideMaker
program icon, a scenario will be created from the single file selected by the pointer. Scenarios
will not be created from any of the other files.
If a simplified scenario has been created, the scenario will be created from all pages in the
specified PowerPoint file. Hide any pages that you do not wish to project using [Cell
Properties] after creating the simplified scenario.
The created scenario will be named "SCNxxxx" (where "xxxx" are numbers). The image
quality of the scenario is set to [Standard]. The image quality can be changed in the "Scenario
Settings" dialog box displayed by selecting the [File] menu, then [Property]. For more details
on image quality, refer to "Creating Scenarios" (see page 21)
Creating Scenarios (EMP SlideMaker) -
