Shutter Speed Priority - T - Leica TL Anleitung

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Shutter speed priority - T

Shutter speed priority mode sets the exposure automatically
according to the manually selected shutter speed. It is therefore
particularly suitable for pictures of moving subjects, where the
sharpness of the movement depicted is a critical compositional
An appropriately fast shutter speed will avoid undesirable blurring
of the movement, i.e. "freeze" your subject or you can use a slower
shutter speed to express the dynamic nature of the movement with
a deliberate "blur effect".
Setting the mode
Taking a picture
Select the required shutter speed with the right setting dial,
Press the shutter release to the pressure point
• Both the set shutter speed and the automatically calculated
aperture value are displayed in white.
If even the lowest or highest aperture value combined with the
set shutter speed will result in under or overexposure, both
values are displayed in red.
If the automatically set aperture value appears to be appropriate
for the intended composition:
Press the shutter release all the way down to take the picture


