Putting The Audio Com Control Unit Into Operation; Battery Type - FWD Audio com Bedienungsanleitung

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Display and control elements
Pressing down the rotary encoder for longer starts the voice dialog. Pressing
any key ends the voice dialog. Further information on voice control of the Audio
com can be found in the chapter entitled "Voice control".
The red and green buttons are used to accept or reject an incoming call.
Additional functions of the green button:
In the main screen:
Calls up the list of previously dialled numbers.
In the phonebook and call registers:
Dialling status of the number currently selected.
In the menus:
Selection of active menu item.
Additional functions of the red button:
In the main screen:
Calls up user selection. Further information on user selection can be found in
the chapter entitled "User management".
In the menus:
Short key press:
Prolonged key press:
In editor mode (e.g. creating a phonebook entry, changing the user name):
Short key press:
Prolonged key press:

Putting the Audio com control unit into operation

Battery type

• Only use lithium batteries, type CR2477. Other batteries may cause the unit
to operate incorrectly or may even damage the unit.
• The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage caused by the use of
incorrect batteries.
• The battery is not rechargeable.
Inserting the battery
• Press the green release button on the front end of the control unit and lift off
the top section.
Jumps back from current submenu.
Jumps back to main screen.
Deletes last character.
Audio com
