Changing The Recognizer Language; Activation And Process Sequence; Voice Commands - FWD Audio com Bedienungsanleitung

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Audio com
Voice Control
requires you to set up and manage a list of names "phone book" in the system.
The functions required for this can also be called up by voice input. The list can
take a maximum of 30 names and exists independently of the list of phone
numbers in your phone.

Changing the recognizer language

Depending on the country variant of your Audio com, voice recognition supports
up to 3 languages, one of which may be activated. To change the active
recognizer language, select Settings => Recognizer language. A list of the
available languages is displayed. Select the required language and confirm by
pressing the rotary encoder. You will then be prompted to restart Audio com.
You can do this by switching off the ignition. The system will now save your
settings and start to update the recognizer language. A progress bar indicates
the status of this process.

Activation and Process Sequence

Voice input is only possible when there is no call connection. In this state, if the
rotary encoder is pressed for longer than half a second the ready tone will
sound, after which it will be possible to input an initial command. If a Bluetooth
telephone is not connected to the system, commands that require this
connection, in other words all the dial commands, will be rejected by the system
with a corresponding voice output. You can abort any voice dialog at almost any
point by again holding down the rotary encoder. If the system is waiting for a
voice command, you can also end a dialog by speaking the command "Cancel".
The following first voice commands are possible:
• „Enter PIN",
• „Dial number",
• „Dial name",
• „Store name",
• „Say names",
• „Delete name",
• „Delete all names",
• „Redial",
• „Store emergency number",
• „Cancel".
Cancelling can also be done by pressing the action button again. The cancelling
option is available in almost all interactive stages and resets the control.

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