Speller - FWD Audio com Bedienungsanleitung

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für Audio com:
Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Audio com
via the rotary encoder or by voice control (more information on voice control can
be found further on, in the section entitled "Voice control"). To enter the
number using the rotary encoder:
• Turn the knob to select a single digit.
• Accept the single digit by pressing the rotary encoder.
• You can delete the previous digit of the PIN by pressing the red button.
• If the PIN is complete, accept it by pressing the green button.
The PIN will now be checked. Note! As on your telephone, the SIM card is
disabled if incorrect data are entered three times.
If the PIN has been entered successfully, you will be asked whether you wish
to store this PIN. This means you will not have to enter it manually each time.
Once a connection has been established, your Audio com is ready to make a
call. Please note that it may take a moment to synchronise the phonebook with
the one on your telephone (depending on its scope).


Audio com is operated via a control unit with 2 buttons and a rotary encoder with
pushbutton function. This means that there is no conventional way to enter
numbers or texts, in the way you are perhaps accustomed to on the PC or
telephone. A "Speller" has been incorporated into Audio com in order to
achieve this functionality. The speller enables you to compile telephone
numbers or names from single digits or figures. It is available for various
functions on Audio com, for example to select a telephone number or to create
a phonebook entry. The operation of the speller is explained below:
• Entering numbers
Navigate your way to a digit by turning the knob and then accept it by
pressing the rotary encoder. You can delete the previous digit on the
number by pressing the red button. Once the whole number has been
entered, you can confirm it by pressing the green button. To abort the
process early, keep the red button pressed down.
• Entering names or text
Just as numbers are entered, you can also use the speller to enter names
or whole texts. Navigate your way to a character by turning the knob and
then accept it by pressing the rotary encoder. You can delete the previous
character by pressing the red button. Once the whole name has been
entered, you can store it by pressing the green button. To abort the
process, keep the red button pressed down. It is possible to switch
between upper case characters, lower case characters, digits and special
characters through the following symbols, which can be selected via the
rotary encoder:
Putting into operation for the first time
