Pairing - FWD Audio com Bedienungsanleitung

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Audio com
Putting into operation for the first time
Changing the name of the user
Open user management. Select the profile whose name you wish to change.
Confirm by pressing the rotary encoder. The "User options" menu opens.
Select "Rename". You can use the speller to edit the name of the profile.
Reset profile
To delete all of a user's data, open user management. Select the profile that is
to be reset. Confirm your selection by pressing the rotary encoder. The "User
options" menu opens. Select "Preset". All the user's data will now be deleted
from Audio com.
Changing user
To change to another user profile, open user management and select the
required profile. Confirm by pressing the rotary encoder. The "User options"
menu opens. Select "Login". If this profile is already set up, the switch will be
made immediately. An attempt will be made to restore the last known
connection (to the SIM card or Bluetooth telephone). If the last known
connection is no longer available, you will be prompted to select a new
connection type.
If the profile is not yet set up, you will be prompted to do this. The procedure is
the same as that described under "Creating a new user".
Changing user quickly
If you want to change to an existing profile quickly, open user management by
pressing the red button in the main screen, select the required profile and press
the green button. An immediate attempt will be made to restore the last known
connection. If this is unsuccessful, you will be prompted to select a new
connection type.
Log user out
You can sever the current Bluetooth connection in the main menu under
"Logout". User management is opened. Holding the red button down in the
main screen has the same effect.


A mobile phone that is to be operated on the handsfree system must be paired
with Audio com. To do this, both devices generate a common (secret) passkey,
which can be used in future for mutual authentication and to set up an
encrypted connection. One telephone can be paired per user, so that up to
4 devices in total are known. If you wish to pair an additional telephone, please
replace a user profile.

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